We will begin holding in-person worship services on Sunday, October 4th. Please note that the time of our service has been changed to 10:00 am. LRPC will be doing everything possible to provide a safe and sanitary environment, but please know there are inherent risks in gathering. For that reason we encourage those who are most vulnerable to consider if it may be best to continue to worship from home. For those who make the decision to worship in person, we ask that you follow these protocols until further notice:
Check the temperature of all family members prior to coming to the church. If your temperature is at or above 100 degrees, please stay at home. Once you arrive at the church, you will be asked if you checked your temperature at home. For those who have not, we will ask to check your temperature with a no-contact thermometer prior to you entering the sanctuary.
Please enter the building through the south door or through the front door if you need to use the elevette. The west door (to the parking lot) will be for exit only.
The use of masks is strongly encouraged. Please put on a mask prior to entering the building. If possible, bring a mask from home. LRPC will have additional masks available for your convenience if needed. Staff and volunteers will use masks unless they are speaking or leading worship.
Please thoroughly wash your hands before leaving your home and use hand sanitizer before entering the church building.
Please only sit with family members with whom you have had regular contact. In addition, we ask that you sit at least 6 feet apart from other family groups.
No nursery or children’s church will be offered at this time.
There will be no singing and we will only have music for reflection throughout the service.
For now, LRPC will have a “no-touch” service, meaning the following practices are temporarily suspended:
- Physical contact (handshakes, hugs, etc.)
- The use of printed bulletins and newsletters
- The offering plates are located at the center entrance to the sanctuary
- The consumption of coffee or food, including any brought from home
Before and after the service, please do not congregate in the church building. Instead, we ask that you converse outside while continuing to practice safe physical distancing.
LRPC will offer online services. These will take place on Sundays at 10a. You can login via our website: http://live.lindenroad.church All services are archived and can be access via our Sermon page or found on our podcast app.
Protocol is subject to change. The most updated version of these protocols will be posted here.
Hope to see you soon, whether in person or online! Blessings to you and your families.
LRPC Staff, Session, and Deacons