Draw the Circle – Week 6

Draw the Circle – Week 6

Day 40 – April 2

PRAY like it depends on God, and WORK like it depends on you. The #40DayPrayerChallenge ends today, but the adventure is just beginning! In the words of Albert Einstein, “Find out about prayer!” #40DayPrayerChallenge #Day40 🙏🏻⭕️

Day 39 – April 1

God is HERE, THERE, and EVERYWHERE. Wherever you are right now, you are standing on HOLY GROUND. God is PRESENT, all that’s ABSENT is our awareness! #40DayPrayerChallenge #Day39 🙏🏻⭕️‬

Day 38 – March 31

‪Sometimes the way FORWARD is BACKWARD. Go back to a place where God has done a miracle, then believe God for an even bigger, even better miracle! #40DayPrayerChallenge #Day38 🙏🏻⭕️

Day 37 – March 30

‪Prayer is the way we PUT CONTRACTS on things in the spiritual realm. It’s got to be in the WILL OF GOD and for the GLORY OF GOD; but if it is, it’s GAME ON. #40DayPrayerChallenge #Day37 🙏🏻⭕️‬

Day 36 – March 29

Jesus Christ is our IDENTITY, our SECURITY, our AUTHORITY. We pray in HIS NAME, the name above all names! I am IN CHRIST and Christ is IN ME, that is the hope of glory! #40DayPrayerChallenge #Day36 🙏🏻 ⭕️

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