The Difference A Servant Makes

The Difference A Servant Makes

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We are all aware of the brokenness around us. We live in a world that sometimes feels upside down.

The world needs our witness. If we want to be a WITNESS for Jesus, we can’t just talk about Jesus, our lives should be an EXAMPLE of Jesus. This week in our WITNESS series, we’ll discover how to be an example in serving, suffering, loving, forgiving and just plain living. Why? Because people are watching the way we live.

Worship Notes on YouVersion 

Mornings with Mark & Gabe – 7.5.22 – How To Lament

We’re looking for questions…

Do you have a question or two about God…Jesus…the Holy Spirit…our faith… that you would  like to get an answer to?  Please click on the image above and submit your question(s) and we’ll do our best to tackle it as part of the message here in the future online and this week in-person.


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