Will You Answer the Call?

Will You Answer the Call?

Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Are you ready to answer the call? Join us as we explore a vision bigger than ourselves, a call to mobilize the global church for Christ through Gather25!

Inspired by Matthew 9:37-38 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-14, we’ll discuss the urgency of the hour and the power of unity in the body of Christ. How would our lives change if we truly believed Jesus was returning soon? We’ll examine the impact of small gatherings, like those in Acts 2:42-47, and how they can ignite a movement.

Gather25 is a bold, unprecedented call to unite the global church in 2025. But it won’t be complete without you. Will you answer the call?

Learn more about Gather25 and how you can be a part of reaching the world for Christ!

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