Do You Need a New Perspective on Life?

Do You Need a New Perspective on Life?

Sound familar…

  • You ever feel overwhelmed by the shortness of life.
  • You struggle to see your place in the grand scheme of things.
  • You yearn for a deeper connection with God and a more meaningful life.

We wrap up our Summer Psalms series with a message that unlocks the wisdom of Psalm 90, a powerful prayer penned by Moses himself. We’ll explore:

  • God’s Unmatched Greatness: Discover how Moses paints a picture of God’s eternal power and our place within His creation.
  • Humanity’s Fleeting Nature: Confront the reality of our mortality and the brevity of life compared to God’s everlasting presence.
  • Finding True Perspective: Learn how to view your days with wisdom and purpose, understanding their limited nature but immense potential.
  • Daring to Ask for Big Things: Uncover the final section of Psalm 90, where Moses teaches us to approach God with bold prayers for His compassion, joy, purpose, and the impact we can make on the world.

Ready to ask God for BIG things that will leave a lasting impact?

Worship Notes on YouVersion 

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