it’s Incredible

it’s Incredible

Its a new season for us and it is a time to dream about what God is calling us to next! 

Throughout the Bible, God uses doors as metaphors for important decisions in our lives. A door can represent the beginning or the end of something. A door can be an entrance or an exit. Sometimes God opens doors in your life, and sometimes God shuts doors. 

When you live according to God’s plan and purpose for your life, he controls the doors that open and close for you. And though each of us has unique doors of opportunity, we know from Scripture that there are certain doors God wants all of us to walk through. As we enter into 2020 as a church family, we’re turning our focus to what dreams God is placing on our hearts, and what doors he’s given us to walk through.

Join us as we learn to dream and trust God together!

This morning we are excited to welcome Matt GrantExecutive Director at Pleasant Hill Outdoor Camp to share some thoughts about the how God is using the summer camp experience to encourage our children to dream and experience all that God has for them.  


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