Pastor Tom Roepke joined HeartFelt Radio’s Mornings with Mark & Gabe on 8.2.2021 for a conversation on current issues. It was a lively and good conversation on giving and obedience and a new book about the questions our teens are asking. First up for the conversation is a new study on giving from Lilly…

Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
The Giving Environment: Understanding Pre-Pandemic Trends in Charitable Giving
The share of Americans donating to charity fell from two-thirds in 2000 to half in 2018, according to a new study released today by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI.Just 49.6% of U.S. households made a charitable contribution in 2018, the latest year for which comprehensive data is available. That is a drop of almost 17 percentage points from 2000, when 66.2% of American households gave charitable donations, the study finds. read article here

The second topic was a new book releasing 8.3.2021 by Fuller Youth Institute.3 Big Questions That Change Every Teenager. The authors, Kara Powell and Brad Griffin say that…Every teenager is a walking bundle of questions. But at the core live these three:
– Who am I?
– Where do I fit?
– What difference can I make?
Additionally Pastor Tom mentioned the ACE Test you can learn more about that here.
#CoffeeCakeMinistry. #MorningsWithMarkAndGabe #WJKA